Floating floors are unique flooring applications where the floating floor material “boats” over underlayment and then rests on the surface. Because of its ease and portability, floating floors installation can save time and money and help speedy installation go much quicker, which makes it a popular choice for DIYers to install themselves. As with other types of floating floors, there are several floating floors disadvantages as well. The most significant drawback of floating floors is that they tend not to be as durable as traditional wood or stone flooring systems. However, many homeowners and commercial property owners make the switch to floating floors because of their easy setup and durability.
For floating floors installation to be successful, there must be a proper sub-floor system already in place before floating the floating floors themselves. Most floating floors systems utilize engineered hardwood or luxury vinyl flooring as a base sub-floor. Once the floating floors are installed, the engineered hardwood or luxury vinyl boards are then placed on top of the base sub-flooring. This allows the floating floors to rest on the top layer of the sub-flooring without being damaged.
With floating floors, the installation process is a simple one. Once the floating floors have been installed, the homeowner simply adds another layer of flooring over top of the layer of luxury vinyl or hardwood. After this additional layer of flooring is added, the process is complete. Many homeowners choose to install floating floors in their kitchen because it’s the easiest place to install a floating floor. Kitchen floating floors are generally made of standard solid hardwood, but depending on the homeowner’s preference, luxury vinyl or engineered hardwood may be used instead.
When installing floating floors, the subflooring layers must be properly installed. Typically, these layers are glued down using an adhesive, followed by a layer of waterproof membrane. This extra layer of waterproofing helps to keep the moisture from seeping into the main floor while the underlayment is protecting the subfloors from moisture damage. If the subfloor layers are not properly set, the floating floors will be damaged as water tries to work its way through the underlayment and into the main floor.
With floating floors, homeowners can also choose to use the floating floors on the upper levels of their homes. However, most homeowners who opt to use floating floors on upper levels do so with an engineered hardwood subfloor. Engineered hardwood is more durable and requires less maintenance. With this in mind, the floating floors can be used for the same reasons they are used on the lower levels of the home: to provide an easy way to install the floor; to make the installation process easier; to help with the sound reduction and insulation benefits, and to help keep the home comfortable in warm temperatures.
In addition to selecting floating floors that provide a simple installation process, the homeowner should also select the best quality flooring planks. If he or she is looking to use floating floors on the top floors of his or her luxury villas or homes, the homeowner should select floating flooring planks that are made of the best quality laminate flooring. The best quality laminate flooring is made by famous flooring manufacturers such as Armstrong and Orgreen.
Armstrong Alumina is renowned for providing high quality, durable floating floors and other engineered wood products. Most of the floating floors that are sold today are made using the high quality, laminate flooring manufactured by Armstrong Alumina. When purchasing floating floors or any other engineered wood product, it is important that the homeowner to purchase the floating floor planks from a manufacturer he or she can trust. There are many floating flooring manufacturers out there, but only a select few have proven to produce and distribute flooring plans of quality that last for years.
Many floating floors are sold with an underlayment included. It is always recommended that the homeowner install the floating floors using the floating floors with the appropriate underlayment. The best underlayments are made from products such as Volara or Softies, which are not only affordable but also easy to install. If a homeowner purchases floating floors and then installs them without the appropriate underlayment, there is a great chance that the floating floors could crack and chip.